

This story was inspired by a Christmas decoration that I saw in an ad one Christmas. I saw it and knew that there was a story in it. I started and it just flowed like water. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy it as well. Please don't be afraid to leave some constructive criticism. With that being said, here we go!

The Christmas People


       "Time for you to go to sleep young man. The stars will be going out soon." Father said.

       "The lights that twinkle?" son asked.

       " Yes, now go to sleep."

       Father turned out the light and then walked downstairs and talked to mother. She was in the kitchen baking bread. He walked up behind her and kissed her head.

         "Is son asleep?" She asked.

          "Yes. He did so reluctantly but he did so." Father replied.

           "Good. Last loaf of bread in the oven now and then we can go to bed."

           "Yes wife." Father said as he walked into the living room.

            She smiled at him and then reached into the oven to get the baked bread out of the oven. She coated it with butter and then walked into the living room. She sat on Father's lap.

           "We can go to bed now."

            Father put his paper down and took her hand and they headed off to bed.


Morning came and Son was already out of bed. He bounded downstairs and got into his winter clothes. He opened the door and was gone.  Father and Mother came down a short while later.

    "Son is gone. When must you leave for work?" Mother asked.

    "Soon." Father said.

    Mother brought him his breakfast. He took it and ate it slowly. He sipped his morning coffee and read the paper. The headline read "Sunlight Comes To Christmas Town Again.". Father read the article and then finished his coffee.

    "Very good breakfast Mother." He said.

    She looked at him. "Thank you Father, glad you enjoyed it."

    "How much baking must you do this time? Will it be as much as last year?"

    "I do not know. I am assuming the same as last year. I have heard rumors that the sun will be out longer this year, but they are the same rumors as last year. Time will tell Father."

    "Yes it will. See you later Mother."

   Mother heard the door close. She went right into her day. Bread needed to be baked and jams that were already made needed to be counted. Other foods were either needed to be made or bought at the market. Time was not on her side but it never was. She hummed a little tune she did not know but she liked it.


    Christmas town was not a large town. It had the usual amount of business. Son walked by each one. He said hello to each one.

    "Hello Baker." Son said.

    "Hello Son, Daughter is not able to play today. She is needed here today." Baker said anticipating Son's question.

    "Okay," Son replied.

    Son continued on and stopped at the church. Pastor was out putting up Christmas signs. Son stopped to help.

    "Thank you Son. How are Mother and Father?" Pastor asked.

    "They are fine." Son replied.

    Pastor was a tall man. His white hair and white goatee were quite stunning. Pastor's Wife came out to see how the work was coming along. She smiled when she saw Son.

    "Hello Son, out enjoying the sun are we?"

    "Yes. Is Pastor's Daughter able to come out and play?"

    "No Son. She misbehaved so she must stay inside today. You will see her at church tomorrow." Pastor's Wife replied.

    Son nodded his head and then went on his way. He looked up and saw Pastor's Daughter staring out her bedroom window. Son smiled up at her and waved as he went by.



    Mother picked up the phone. Doctor was on the other end. She grinned when he said that her and Father had to come in.

    "Father is not here right now. Will tomorrow be alright?" She asked.

    "Yes, Yes. Nine am. Do not be late." Doctor replied.

    Mother looked at the clock and had her lunch. Father would be home soon. Son would be away for a lot longer. He would have lunch at one of his friends house. She sang quietly to herself


    Father worked hard at his job. A train conductor was hard work. He met all kinds of people and got to talk about all the happenings. Today they were going to Holiday Town. Father watched as people got on.

    "Hello Father." One man said.

    "Hello." Father answered.

    "Hello Father." Another said.

    "Why hello Handyman. How is the missus?"

    "She is good. Heavy with child." Handyman replied. "And how is your missus?"

    "She is good. At home baking bread and other stuffs for the long darkness." Father replied.

    "I understand . Mine is doing the same. Well I will let you get back to your job and sit down in my seat."

    Father watched as Handyman sat down. He wondered why Handyman was going to Holiday Town. As there were no passengers, he would ask.

    "Tell me Handyman, what takes you to Holiday Town?" Father asked.

    Handyman looked up from his paper and smiled. "I am going on a job. A spinster lady has work that needs to be done and I have the time right now. Besides I can use the money."

    Father nodded as he got up. Handyman went back to his paper. Father moved to the next car and broke up a small fight. He made his way to his little cabin and sat.


    Son had tried to get five friends to come out and play and no such luck. Bakers' daughter and Pastor's daughter were unable to play. Handy man's children weren't either. He had work to do. Jewelers'  son was grounded and Grocer's daughter was sick. He was about to give up when he thought of Doctor's children He rushed over. Doctor's wife was outside.

    "Hello." Son said.

    "Hello Son." Doctor's Wife said. " Son and Daughter can come out to play. They have a friend over from Lamplit Village. Go and say hello."

    Son bounded up to the house. Doctor's Son answered the door. He smiled wide then turned his head. He yelled down the hall.

    "Hey Sis, Conductor's Son is here."

    Doctor's Daughter came to the door. She had a smile on her face. She had another girl with her.

    "Hello." Doctor's Daughter said.

    "Hello, Who is this?" Son asked.

    "She is our cousin from Lamplit Village. Her name is Jennifer." Doctor's Daughter said.

    Jennifer curtsied and whispered. "Hello Conductor's Son."

    "Come on in. Were just about to play Village Idiot. Wanna play?" Doctor's Son asked.

    "Sure. Why not." Son replied.

    The four children started to play. Doctor's wife came in and watched them for a few minutes. She walked into the kitchen and started lunch. Doctor would be home soon and he would be hungry. She hummed softly hearing the children play.

    Son sat on the couch and looked at Jennifer. She was so pretty, Son thought. Her long brown hair caught the sun in such a nice way. It reflected off and made her look even prettier.

    "Jennifer, where is Lamplit Village?"

    "Just down the way. Your father comes at least twice a week.  He brought me here on the train. He is such a nice man. I have to leave in three days. Maybe he will let you come visit."

    "Maybe." Son replied.

    "May I ask a question that I have always wanted to ask." Jennifer asked.

    "Sure, I guess so." Son replied.

    "Well," Jennifer started, "Your name is Conductor's Son. His is Doctor's Son and hers is Doctor's Daughter. Why don't you have real names?"

    Son looked at the other two kids. He shrugged his shoulders softly. He didn't know how to answer that question.

    "I don't know."

    Doctor's Wife walked in. She had heard the question and thought it needed an answer. She came over and sat down beside Son. She smiled softly.

    "Well Jennifer, the one who created us gave us names. My husband's name is Doctor.  There is talk of a book that has the names we were given when we were created, but it has been lost over time."

    "Does anyone know where this book is now?" Son asked.

    "Some say it was destroyed. Others say it never existed. Some say it is in Dragon Town.  Held by a dragon named Wrath, high in the Dragon Mountains. Tales say that the mountains light up different colors. But it is only a story."

    Son smiled. He knew that train went to Dragon Town. He knew he could get there. He could hear the gears in his head spinning, formulating a plan. He would need help. He turned to Doctor's Son and grinned.

    "Come." Doctor's Wife said, "Lunch is ready and Doctor will be home soon."

    They all went into the kitchen and sat the the table. Not a word was said as they ate.

Son played with the other children for a while longer. He looked at Doctor's Son and whispered.

    "I am going to find the book. Are you in?"

    "Yes I am in. You do realize that we are going to have to let Sister come with us. She will just follow us so we might as well just let her come along."

    "Yes I do. She is a pain isn't she. Do you think Jennifer would want to come along."

    "Yes she is but I love her. As for Jennifer, I don't know. You will have to ask her yourself." Doctor's Son replied.

    Son got up and walked over and sat beside Jennifer. He whispered in her ear. "We are going to go and find the book. We have three weeks. Will you come Jennifer?"

    "I wish I could but we are going to Christmas Village when I get back. We go every year, but I wish you luck." Jennifer replied.

    Son nodded his head. He looked over at Doctor's Son. "Tomorrow morning. We leave at five a.m. to go to Dragon Town."

    Doctor's Son nodded his head and smiled. Son stood up and headed tot he door. He had to find a way to get to Dragon Town.


    Five a.m. came quickly. Son got up quietly and went downstairs. He quickly gathered up some food stuff and then put on his coat and boots. He scribbled a note to Mother.

    "Have gone to Dragon Town to search for the book. Will be careful and I love you both."

    He put the pencil down and grabbed his bag. It had a change of clothes, a spare pair of shoes and his father's knife. He knew he would have to protect himself.

    He opened the door and was gone. By the time Mother and Father were up he would be well on his way. He met up with Doctor's Son and Daughter. Jennifer was with them.

    "I know I said I couldn't go but I want to come. I know these two have real names. I just know they do. Besides I don't want to go to Christmas Village again. It is so boring."

    Son nodded. He motioned for them to follow. He knew how to get out of Christmas Town. He had done it before.

    "Which way Son?" Doctor's Son asked.

    Son pointed to the east. "That way to the train tracks. We need to go at least two miles in then take the first tunnel. It will lead us to a trap door which will take us out of Christmas Town."

    "What is out there?" Jennifer asked.

    "Very strange things. You will see as we go. Weather will not be a problem. Let's be on our way." Son replied.

    They walked down the tracks and then went into the tunnel. They walked some more til they came to another tunnel.They stopped and looked.

    "How far is the door?" Doctor's Son asked.

    "Just a little further. When we climb out you will fall for a few seconds. You will land on some green needles. Don't worry they won't hurt you." Son replied.

    "How do you know all these things?" Doctor's Daughter asked.

    "Just stories I have heard." Son replied.

    They continued walking then came upon the door. There was no lock on it nor was there a handle.

    "How do we open it?" Doctor's Son asked.

    "I assume you kick it." Son replied.

    Doctor's Son did just that. The door fell open. They looked through the door and gulped collectively. Son was the first to jump.


    Mother came downstairs. She walked into the kitchen and put on the kettle. She started Father's breakfast. Going into the pantry, she noticed that things were missing.

    "Maybe Son took them the help the less fortunate." She said to herself.

    She went back out to the kitchen and set the things she grabbed on the table. That is when she sat the note. She picked it up and read it and immediately screamed.


    Father came bounding down the stairs. He ran into the kitchen and looked at Mother. She passed him the note. He read it then read it again.

    "Good Lord." Father said, "He knows about the book."

    "Yes and he is going to find out where he lives. He won't be able to handle it." Mother replied.

    Father took Mother into his arms and held her close. He could feel her tears fall onto his shoulder.

    "I will find them and bring them home."


    "Yes them. He didn't go by himself. He wouldn't do that. He would have roped other kids into going."

    Mother nodded her head. Son was not one to go alone when he was doing something he shouldn't. She sniffled and then pushed away from Father.

    "You will need breakfast before you go."

    Mother started it while Father made phone calls. He had an idea who went with Son. He prayed he was wrong.


    Son was the first one through the hatch. He gingerly climbed through and walked down the dark green steps. He found a location to wait and then watched as the other three came through and joined him.

    "Good, no one got hurt coming down. We must be careful not only going down further but being seen. There are large animals around or so I have been told." Son said.

    "What kind of animals Son?" Jennifer asked.

    "I do not know." Son replied.

    Son looked his watch. Nine a.m.. He knew that Father would be coming after them. They had to get moving. He didn't want to be stopped. He had to know if the book existed. They started to go down the stairs. The dark green stairs gave way just a little but not enough to make them fall. They made their way down quickly getting to the first plateau.

    "Alright, we need to a take a few minutes and rest. I need to get my bearings." Son said.

    The three children found a spot to sit and looked out around. They didn't see anything but green. Son pulled out a map that he found in the den stuffed in a book. He read the legend and then studied the map very slowly. He studied it and got his bearing. Looking up he saw the open trap door.

    "That is Christmas Town. We need to go down more. About three more plateaus. It would be time to stop for lunch by the time we get there." Son said to himself.

    He looked back up at Christmas Town. He looked up further. He looked at the plateaus and saw something familiar. his eyes opened wide. He looked at the other kids. He couldn't tell them, not right now.

    "Come on, we must be going." Son said.

    "Where?" Doctor's Daughter asked.

    "Down three more plateaus. There will be a ledge that we must skirt. From there it becomes a little more dangerous." Son replied.

    They started down. They reached the third plateau with out much trouble. Son looked at his watch.

    "Okay, eleven a.m. Time for lunch." Son said.

    "Good! I am famished." Jennifer replied.

    The four of them settled down and found a place to get comfortable. They ate their lunch cold and Son kept them in lively conversation so that they wouldn't look up. After eating they cleaned up the mess and left no trace of their passing. They had to to get to the ledge quickly. Father would be coming quickly.


    Father stood at the train portal. He didn't think that the kids went this way. He looked around but saw nothing.

    "Could they have gone this way?" Doctor asked.

    Frank came over and looked, he nodded his head. Pulling out the map, he laid it on the ground. He looked at it with Hunter and Doctor.

    "Did they go up or down?" Hunter asked.

    Father looked at him. "Down. They are going to Dragon Town."

    "What for?" Doctor asked.

    "The book." Father replied.

    "What book?" Doctor asked.

    Father looked at him, He was awestruck at the man. He suddenly heard a voice.

    "The Book of Names." Pastor said. " The book that records all our names. The book that the creator left behind after he left us."

    "We have names?" Hunter asked.

    "Yes." Pastor replied. "Names just like everyone else."

    "Have you seen this book?" Hunter asked.

    "No, but Father has. He was the one that put it in Dragon Town." Pastor replied.

    "Why?" Hunter asked.

    "Because!" Father replied.

    Hunter looked at Pastor and Doctor. He shook his head. "Tell us then,  what is your name?"

    "I can't remember." Father said.

    Father started down the tunnel to the open hatch. He landed safely on the green stairs. He waved up at the rest for them to follow. They all started down.

    Doctor was the first to get to Father. He looked at him. "Franklin, you know where the book is?"

    "Yes Thomas. I do. I was the one that put it there. Now dummy up."

    Hunter was the next to come down. He landed on and almost fell off. Franklin and Thomas caught him.

    "Careful Hunter." Thomas said. "We don't want you falling to your death Nor...."

    Franklin smacked Thomas. Hunter was so busy trying to right himself that he didn't hear. He just held on to the two men. Pastor was the last to come down. He took his time and was very careful. He reached the other men without mishap.

    "How far ahead are they?" Hunter asked.

    Franklin looked at his watch. "I would say about two hours. Son brought food for them to eat. They will have to rest soon. It is a four day travel to and from Dragon Town. They will turn back before then."

    Pastor nodded his head. He agreed with Franklin but thought it was best they continue.

    "We need to catch up to them before they get that far." Pastor said.

    Franklin nodded his head. He looked at Thomas. Thomas could see in the other's eyes what he was planning. He shook his head no. Franklin nodded his head.

    "I have to!"

       Pastor and Hunter looked at the man they knew as Father. He sat down and looked at them.

    "I told the truth about the book. It does exist as I said before. What I didn't say was that I read it. I know everything about Christmas Town. I even know everyone's name."

    Pastor looked at him. "Why didn't you tell us?"

    "I don't know. I thought it would be safer if you didn't know the truth. So I kept the truth from all except Doctor."

    "Well, as the cat is out of the bag, tell us what you can. What are our names?"

Franklin looked strait ahead. "Doctor's name is Thomas. Hunters' name is Norman and yours is Jerry, short for Jerrold."

    Hunter sat down. He was reeling from the news. "Norman?"

    "Yes, Norman." Franklin said.

    Jerry looked at Franklin. "What is your name?"

    "Franklin but I prefer Frank."

    Thomas stood and brushed himself off. He looked at the other men. "You can all be ticked later. We have children to gather. The longer we jabber on the further away they get."

    "Yes enough of this. Let's get going." Norman said.

    The four men started down. They reached the third plateau where the kids had rested. The looked for evidence of their passing but found nothing. Son was very neat.

    "Come on to Dragon Town." Franklin said.


    The four children ate their meal. They ate quietly. They looked at nothing and thought about nothing but the trip.  Son was glad of that. He didn't need them to see what he saw till later. Suddenly Jennifer cocked her head.

    "SHH!" She said putting her finger to her mouth. "There is someone coming."

    Son listened. He heard Father's voice. He gathered up the lunch and hurried along. He looked at the others.

    "Hurry, we can't let them catch us."

    The children started down to the next branch. They saw the lighted rope bridge. They would have to go hand over hand along the large expanse. Jennifer was the first one there and the first one to start across.  She tried not to look down but did. She let out a little scream but didn't let go.

    Doctor's Daughter was the next to arrive. She started over as well. He brother was next with Son bringing up the rear. They all made it over to the ledge and stood looking around. Son pointed to his right.

    "That way. We have to go that way." Son said.

    They started off. they reached the end of the ledge and saw a blue expanse in front of them. They had to cross it to get to the forest. Beyond that was the flatland and passed that was the lighted falls. Across the plains of pots and then the outskirts of Dragon Town.

    "How much further?"  Doctor's Son asked.

    "The map shows a two day travel. Then who knows how long to find the right mountain. I would hazard to guess another day." Son replied.

    "How long have we traveled.?" Doctor's Son asked.

    "I don't know. The one thing I do know is that it is almost time to stop for the night. We need to find a spot to rest and that is out of the way." Son replied.

    They continued walking till they found a spot they could stop for the night. They gathered together and ate a cold meal. After eating, they all laid their heads down and rested. Son took first watch. Back a ways was Father and the other men. They were coming and coming fast. Son thought to himself.

    "We will all be on a three hour watch. I will take the first watch and then I will wake someone to take over. Now get some sleep."

    Son sat looking out keeping watch. He pulled out the map and slowly looked at it. He used a small light and studied it. The rest of them laid their heads down and went off to sleep. Away in the distance, Father and the rest of the men were coming.


Franklin sat on the ledge after they had all climbed over. He was getting hungry and didn't think of packing anything to eat. Jerrold sat down beside him.

"Tell me something."

"If I can." Frank replied.

"What else do you know about Christmas Town?"

Frank turned to Jerrold and folded his hands. He didn't want to say anything but he had been asked a direct question and was expected to give a direct answer.

"Well we all have names. Everyone in Christmas Town has one. The book lists each and every one of them. Those born and yet to be born. It also talks about Christmas Town." He looked at Jerrold, "Before I tell you anymore, you must promise not to blow your cap."

Jerrold nodded hi head. Frank drew in some breath and then looked down.

"Have you ever wondered why it is always winter in Christmas Town. We never get to see any of the other seasons."

"Of course but I am a pastor. I do not question God's will or work."

"Well maybe you should. Questions are meant to be asked hence the reason they are called questions. We do not learn unless we ask questions. You know that."

"Questions. What are you talking about Franklin?"

"Who is our creator?"

Jerrold looked at Franklin with a quizzical look on his face. "What are you talking about Franklin?"

Frank looked at Jerrold and grinned. "Ask me that question in about two days. After you have seen the book. That question will be worth asking again."

Jerrold watched Franklin get up and walk over to the other men. He shook his head and then pushed the thought he was having into the background. He had to thing about the kids. He had no idea what lay ahead of them but he had to be clear headed. Franklin looked at the map then looked up as he saw Jerrold come over. He wanted to make sure that he knew where he was going. He knew for sure that Son knew.

"Alright Frank." Hunter started. "Where to now?"

Frank looked up and pointed to his left. "That way. We will come upon a field of plants in pots. We will have to stop there for the night."

They all nodded and started on heir way. They walked along the ledge. There were no problems till the ledge narrowed. Frank stopped short and turned around.

"This part is not so much hard but narrow. Watch your step and stay in single file."

Frank went first and got to the edge. The others got to him and listened.

"Damn It. They cut the rope to slow us down. Well there is a gap. I don't know how far it is but I think we can jump it. I will give it a try first."

Hunter looked at him and then stopped him. "Wait, I think I can fix that."

"How?" Frank asked.

"Just get me the end of the rope." Hunter replied.

Frank knelt down and grabbed the rope. He handed it to Hunter and watched. Hunter moved back far enough that he could work safely with the rope. He pulled a satchel out from behind his back. Opening it he found the hook he wanted. He weaved the cut end of the rope through the eye hole. He tied it into a simple yet strong hunters' knot. He tested it then looked at Frank.

"Alright, give me room." Hunter said.

The men moved back a distance and watched Hunter. He calculated the distance and then swinging the hook in a counter clockwise motion he got it to the right speed. He let go at he thought was the right time and the hook landed on the surface across from them. He smiled and slowly pulled the hook to the edge. It smiled wider when it snagged the eye on the other end. He looked at Frank.

"One at a time and move quickly. I am not sure how long it will hold. I will go last."

Frank was the first to go. He moved hand over hand as he went. He slowly moved taking his time and making sure he had a good hand hold. He didn't look down but kept his focus on getting to the other side. He did so and got himself up and then motioned for the rest to start over. One by one they started. First Thomas then Jerrold. Hunter came last. He was the biggest of the four men and the rope showed it. It bowed low as he went hand over hand. He sweated profusely as he went. He could feel the rope slipping. He reached up for the eye as the rope gave way. It fell away leaving Hunter dangling with only one hand holding the eye.

"Help! Help!" He cried.

Thomas was the first to reach him. He grabbed his hand. Hunter looked up at him.

"Don't let go Doc."

"I won't Hunter, but you have to quit struggling."

Hunter calmed down and took a deep breath. Thomas had his hand around Hunters' wrist and Hunter had done the same. Jerrold came running over and reached down to grab Hunters' other hand.

"You are alright Hunter. We are going to pull you up. Don't fight us."

"Not a problem Jerry."

Jerry and Thomas started to hoist Hunter up. They got him so far and then saw some small hands come into view. Thomas looked right into his son's eyes. Together they pulled Hunter up and got him safely on firm ground. Thomas looked at his son.

"Son, what in God's name!"


Doctor's Son looked at his father. He could see that Thomas was not happy. Son thought about backing away but chose not to.

"Father do not be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you Son, I am furious. You left without telling anyone. Do you have any idea how worried you made me and your mother. Did you even take that into account before you went traipsing off with Conductor's Son."

"No father but I have a reason."

"Oh and that reason is?"

"I want a name. I am tired of being called Doctor's Son. I want a real name like Jennifer has."

Thomas looked over at Frank. "Where are your sister and Conductor's Son?"

"They went on to Dragon Town. They left me here to wait for you. Son knew that if you caught up to all of us, you would force us to go back to Christmas Town with you. This way, son said, you would have to go on. You would have to go to Dragon Town."

Thomas threw up his hands. His son was right, Damned kid, Frank walked over to Doctor's Son.

"Alright Son. My child was right. We do have to follow him and he was also right that we would have forced you to go back with us. Oh wait till I get my hands on him."

Thomas gathered his son and then headed over to see if Hunter needed any help. Jerry looked at Hunter then at Thomas. They could hear him ranting to himself then stop. He started walking towards Dragon Town. They each sighed softly then followed Frank. Jerry caught up with him.

"You seem a bit disturbed."

Frank stopped and waited for the others to pass before he answered Jerry. "You don't understand. I didn't just put the book any old place. I hid it with the dragon Wrath. They are not just walking into a bad situation, they are walking into certain death."

Frank started walking again leaving Jerry behind. Jerry watched him go and then started off after him. He tried to talk to him but Frank just waved him off. Jerry stopped talking and just walked. Frank put his hand on Jerry's shoulder and squeezed softly. Jerry smiled.


Dragon Town was sprawling town. Numerous buildings and people populated the town. As the city named implied, there were dragons. They roamed free and for the most part, caused no harm. The only one that was to be watched out for was Wrath. He did not leave his mountain home often, but every once in a while you would see him in town. Wrath was a large black dragon. He was scary looking but as long as you treated him with respect, then he would do the same with you. His white tipped scales shone even in the dimmest light. They had an iridescent glow that held those who looked at them in awe. Wrath always walked the streets like he owned them, which in fact he did. If was not for Wrath, Dragon Town would not exist.

A lesser dragon walked up to him and bowed low in respect. "Hello Great One."

Wrath looked at him, nodded his head and then continued on. Another dragon walked up to him and after bowing low spoke to him. Wrath lowered his head so that he could hear better. He listened in silence. His expression never changed but his eyes told a different story. They were turning stormy. His scales were starting to glow. The end of his tail started to thump against the ground.

"You lie!" Wrath hissed.

"I do not Great One. I tell you the truth. What would it serve me to lie?"

"They can not have it. It was given to me to protect and protect it I will. No mere child can beat me."

Wrath whirled around and made his way back to his mountain. He mumbled and grumbled as he crashed his way back. Buildings fell in his wake. He looked like a bull in a china shop trashing everything in his sight. He walked back with a purpose. He had to protect the book. It was his duty. He had promised the human. The lesser dragons watched him go and were glad of it.


Son was sitting in the field before Dragon Town. They had passed the Lighted Waterfall and the Plains of Pots. Now there was nothing but an empty plain. It was hard and had a thin layer of gray soil on it. When Jennifer looked back she could see her shoe prints.Son looked towards the mountain range. He scanned it and almost like he wished for it, Wraths' mountain came to life. He poked Doctor's Daughter.

"There!" He pointed. "There is where the book is."

The two girls sat and looked at the mountain. The looked at in awe and wonder. They had never seen the like of it and probably would never see it again. Jennifer looked at Son.

"How long before we get there?"

"A few hours." Doctor's Daughter poked Jennifer. "Look!"

"I see. The colors are so bright. The purple is my favorite." Jennifer replied.

Son looked at them. He didn't want to stop them from enjoying that sight but they need to get some sleep. He stood up and moved into a secluded spot. They followed him. He sat down and they sat with him.

"Alright girls, we need to get some sleep. Father and the rest are really not all the far behind. They will be here soon. I will take first watch."

The night went slowly. The stars went out just like they did every night. The only semblance of light flowed from Wrath's Mountain. It was well subdued by the time it reached Son, still he was amazed at the sight. Jennifer walked up to him.

"Alright, it is your turn to get some sleep." She said.

"Is Doctor's Daughter still asleep?"

"Yes she is. She was very tired. I think we should let her sleep for the night."

"I agree." Son said. "Will you be alright till morning?"

"Yes I will be fine. I will watch and wait. The light from the mountain will help me stay awake. Now go to sleep Son."

Son wandered off and settled down. He kept watch on Jennifer till he saw her nod off. He quietly gathered up some things and then started off. No one was going to stop him. Not even his father. He checked on Doctor's  Daughter and saw she was still asleep. He smiled then started off. He knew it would be hours before Jennifer would wake up and by then he would be far ahead. He hated leaving them alone but he had no other choice.

Morning came and Jennifer was sleeping softly. She was awakened by a sound. She rubbed her eyes and then opened them and looked right into her Uncle's eyes. He looked at her with such disappointment. She just sat there and said nothing.


Mother sat in her chair looking around. The house sounded so empty without Father or Son around. She missed them and wanted them home but she did not know how long they would be away. She heard a knock at the door and got up to answer it.

"Hello." She said as she opened the door. "Hello Doctor's Wife. Where is Doctor?"

"Gone after Son, my children and Jennifer.I am so sorry about this I wish Fra...Father had never found that damned book."

"I know. It is not your fault. If anyone is to blame, it is the Creator. He never told us our names. I blame him for this fiasco." Doctor's Wife said.

"We are alone. We can use our real names now." Mother said.

Doctor's wife shook her head. "No we can't. Pastor's Wife is on her way with Hunters' Girlfriend.  They are also concerned and they have a right to be. They know nothing about the book. Let us keep that way, shall we."

Mother nodded her head. Pastor's Wife came up the stairs with Hunters' Girlfriend. They shook Mother's hand. Pastor's Wife leaned in and whispered in Mother's ear.

"I know about the book, Marrianne."

Mother looked at her. Her jaw was dropping down. Pastor's Wife grinned at her.

"Catching flies, Mother?"

Marrianne closed her mouth and then shook Hunters' Girlfriend's hand as well. She smiled nicely.

"Hello Mother."

"Hello dear." Marrianne replied. "Pastor's Wife, might I speak with you in the parlor."

Pastor's Wife nodded and Marrianne led her to the Parlor. She looked at Pastor's Wife and spoke softly.

"How long have you known about the book?"

"Ever since Father hid it in Dragon Town. Doctor and Pastor both know about it. They also know their names."

"Why haven't you said anything?"

"Jerrold swore me to secrecy just as he was and I assume as you and Rebecca were also."

Marrianne nodded her head. "Does Hunters' Girlfriend know about the book."

Marrianne turned and started out the door then turned back around. She looked at Pastor's Wife. "So tell me, what is your name? You know mine."


"Nice to meet ya." Marrianne said.

The women laughed softly and then went back to the sitting room. Rebecca and Hunters' Girlfriend were sitting talking. Rebecca looked up at Marrianne. Marrianne nodded her head softly. Rebecca just smiled.

"So, Hunters' Girlfriend, how are things?" Marsha asked.

Hunters' Girlfriend looked at her. She started to say that she was fine and said that she missed Hunter, then she went quiet. The women all sat quietly and looked out the window. Snow was starting to fall. They all missed their men.


"Explain yourself young lady. How would you like me to explain your not returning to Lamplit Village?"

"I don't know Uncle. You will have to decide that. As for me going with son and the others, well I wanted to. I didn't want to go to Christmas Village again. It is always so boring."

"I understand that Jennifer, but you didn't even bother to tell your parents. They are going to be worried." Thomas said.

"No they won't. I am here till Friday. It is only Monday. So I have four more days."

"NO you don't Jennifer, you go home on Wednesday."

"No Uncle. Mom called on Friday afternoon and asked if I could stay until Friday. Something about Dad having to work till then.  Auntie said it would be fine."

Thomas sighed softly. He sat down and made his son sit beside him. Thomas was still upset and did not want his son out of his line of sight. Jennifer sat on his other side quietly.

"Well we can either keep going or we can stop here for a while. I would rather we stop for a bit. Maybe take a nap and catch up on strength. We also need to find some food."

They all agreed and laid their heads down. Sleep came quickly. They all slept well. Hours later, they all woke up. Jennifer was the first one up. Frank arose after her. He looked at her.

"Do you have any food?" He asked Jennifer.

"Yes, over there. It is only some bread and some cheese. We haven't eaten that much of it. I think there is lots there for everyone."

Frank went about getting the food and setting it out. Thomas was the next one up and then the rest of them. He looked at Frank and grinned. He saw the food and smiled.

"Have a nice rest Doctor?" Frank asked.

"Better then I expected."

"Good. We have far to go and little time to do it in but we need to eat first. It has been a few hours since our last meal so come on people and gather round."

They all ate and then gathered everything up. Frank looked at Jennifer. "How far ahead is Son?"

"He is sleeping right over there." She said pointing to her left.

Frank went over and looked. He turned back towards Jennifer.

"He was there when we all laid down. He must have heard you and took off towards Dragon Town."

Frank looked at Thomas. Jerry stepped forwards. "Okay, he is ahead of us. It is only a few hours. He must have taken your daughter with him."

"Yes, where is daughter?" Thomas asked.

"She was asleep when I took watch from Son. It was her turn after me. She must have went with Son." Jennifer said.

Thomas tried not to get upset. He had been doing so good so far. He shot Frank a look then walked up to him. He pulled him away from everyone else.

"This is all your fault. We should have looked right away but no you had to have sleep. Dammit Frank."

"Relax would you and no more names. Watch it."

Thomas nodded his head. Jerry came wandering over and grinned. Frank looked at him.

"What are you grinning about?"

Jerry dragged Doctor's Daughter out from behind him. "This."

Thomas looked at her. She stepped back when she saw the fury in his eyes. She had never seen him this angry before. He looked at her.

"Daughter, I am very angry with you, but I am also very happy. I will deal with your punishment later. Now tell us, where is Son?"

"He went on to Dragon Town. I wanted to go with him but he said no. I needed to stay behind and hold you up. I had to give him time to get to Dragon Town."

"How long ago was this?" Frank asked.

She looked at her watch. "About five hours ago."

"Then his is not that far ahead. If we leave now and quicken our pace, we can catch up to him."

The company that once was four now comprised seven. They gathered everything up and started off after a silent breakfast. Son was farther away. The more time they wasted, the further he got.


Son walked up to the city limits of Dragon Town. It would be another hour or so before he would be in the city proper. He needed to find a place to sleep. Not sleeping last night was taking it's toll on his body. He stopped for a few minutes to look around. He didn't spy anything. He started walking again. The path was a hard cement like substance. His feet echoed as he walked. Try as he might, even walking softly did not stop the echoes. He slowed his pace hoping that would help. It didn't. His eyes were beginning to close. He looked around to find a spot by a broken down building. He climbed in and was asleep in a matter of minutes. A few hours later, the others came to the city limits. Frank looked up at the mountain then he looked at Thomas.

"Take them to the Dragon Inn. They will put you up there. Ask for Pauline. Tell her I sent you."

"Where are you going?" Jerry asked.

"To talk to a dragon about a book."

"When will you be back?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know. It could be a while. Negotiations with a dragon take time. They are not to be rushed." Frank replied.

Thomas and Jerry nodded their heads. They motioned for the kids to go down the street. They saw the lit sign for the inn and made their way to it. Frank watched them go and then he headed to the mountain. Thomas was first at the door and waited till the rest caught up with him. He opened the door and let the children in first. Jerry and Hunter followed then he was last. From behind a bar a woman stepped. Her long stringy hair flowed down her body and hooked over her arm. She smiled when she saw the lot of them come in.

"Welcome travelers. What brings you to my little inn." She said in a rough Scottish accent.

Thomas walked up to her and smiled. She shook his hand when he offered it. He winced a bit from her grip.

"I was told to ask for Pauline." He said.

"I am she. Who might you be?"

Thomas leaned in. "Frank sent me."

"I know no Frank." She replied.

Thomas looked at Jerry. Jerry moved forwards. "Sorry Ma'am, you might know him by a different name."

"And what might this name be?" She asked.

"Sorry, you might know him as Conductor."

He watched her eyes light up almost like an old lover had come back. She smiled wide.

"Oh yes Conductor. Fine fine man. We can put you up. Let me take you to where you can bunk down."

She led them upstairs. The stairs creaked as they walked up. She led them to a room. The door opened but sounded like bones cracking. There was not much in the room, just a bed and a dresser. Thomas looked around and almost laughed.

"How much for this opulence?" He asked.

"Not a farthing. Conductor was always good to me. He always treated me with respect." She replied.

Jerry nodded his head. Pauline walked out and left them alone. Jennifer sat on the edge of the bed. She stood right back up again. Doctor's Daughter sat down on the floor and patted a space beside her. Jennifer sat beside her.

"I don't like this place." Jennifer said.

"Neither do I but it is better then being outside. At least we are somewhat safe in here not to mention warm." Daughter replied.

"True. I guess beggars can't be choosy." Jennifer replied.

Doctor's Son sat beside them. "I think it is so great. We made it to Dragon Town. I wonder where Son is?"

"I don't know but I hope he is safe. Does anyone know why it is called Dragon Town." Doctor's Daughter asked.

The men looked at each other. They didn't have the faintest idea. They assumed because of Wrath. They hadn't seen any other dragons around. Maybe Pauline knew.

"I'm getting hungry." Jennifer said.

"Agreed." Hunter replied. "I think that we need to eat."

"Well that is all fine and good but we have no money." Jerry said.

A knock came at the door. Thomas opened it. Pauline stood with a cart full of food almost like she had read their minds. Plates were piled high with steaming food. She wheeled the cart in and then turned around to leave. Thomas caught her arm. She looked at his arm then at him.


"We have no money to pay for this."

"No worries. Any friends of Conductors are friends of mine. Besides we can't have the little beggars starving now can we?"

Jerry looked at Pauline and raised his hand.


"Well one question if you don't mind."

"What did Conductor do to earn such kindness?"

Pauline patted the bed and motioned for Jerry to sit across from her. She motioned for the rest to join him. She grinned softly. "Well let me tell you." She started.


Son woke up to hear his Father's voice. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and slipped out before anyone could see him. He hurried to get ahead. Climbing the mountain, he stopped to look down. He could hear Frank talking.

"Alright Wrath, they are safe. Now it is time for us to talk."

Son turned around and rushed up the mountain. He had to get the book before his father. He found what he hoped was the right entrance.

Meanwhile Frank was climbing the mountain. Wrath mountain was not an ordinary mountain. It had been created centuries before. Local folk say it was Wrath that created it himself. The one thing the people could agree upon was that it appeared over night. No one knew what caused the lights. Franklin walked up the trail that he knew so well. He reached the cave entrance, the same one Son had taken only a couple of hours before. He hesitated for only a few seconds then walked in. Wrath was sleeping. Frank could hear the regular breathing and feel the heat of the dragon's breath. He stood looking at the magnificent beast. He saw Wrath raise his head and look right at him.

"What do you want human?" Wrath said as he wiped his eyes.

"Do you remember me?"

"I remember you human. Now what is it you wish."

Frank walked up to the dragon and grinned. He was not afraid of Wrath. In fact he almost envied him his freedom. His ability to do as he pleased. But most of all he envied his strength and the respect it garnered him.

"I came for the book."

"Book. What book?" Wrath said grinning.

"The book of the Creator. The Book Of Names." Frank replied.

"I know which book human. I am not stupid." Wrath snorted.

Frank stepped back but did not waiver in his courage. He knew that Wrath had the book. He had it hidden away safe for no one to find. He also knew it was complete.

"Tell me reptile!"

Wrath lurched forwards grabbing Frank in his talons with one motion. He brought him up close to his face. Wrath snorted and grinned. He snorted again.

"Be careful human. Respect gets you a whole lot more cooperation then not.  The book is safe. Tell me why you came for it."

"My son is coming for the book. He must not be allowed near it."

"Why not? Are you afraid he will find that everything is a lie? His life is a lie. His home is a lie. Afraid to find out that he lives for thirty days or so? That he lives in a tree for only a few weeks. Do you want him to find out that he lives in a Christmas Decoration?"

"Of course not, but I do want him to know his name. He has one just like the rest of them in Christmas Town. The creator didn't tell us our names."

"So you blame the creator do you? I can understand that. You humans have to have someone to blame. You are all so weak."

"Just give me the book."

Wrath grinned as only a dragon can. It gave him a very evil look. Frank leaned back trying not to show fear. It wasn't working. Wrath smiled.

"No worries human. You would be a mere appetizer. I will be dining on sweeter meat then you." Wrath said as he stepped back.

Frank looked down to see Son chained to the wall. Son looked up and Frank could see the fear in his eyes.

"Let him go!"

"Why should I. It was he that was trespassing not I. So what now?"

"Release him or else." Frank replied.

"Or else what!" Wrath started. "Take a good look around human. The bones you see are the bones of the others that said or else. Yours would just add to the pile."

Wrath tossed Frank towards Son then pushed him against the wall of the cave. Frank tried to struggle but it was of no use. He could not break free no matter how hard he tried. He watched as Wrath moved back. Frank wondered why.

"Yes human, you wonder something."

Frank moved away from the wall and was suddenly pulled back. Hands came out and grabbed him holding him in place tightly. He struggled but the harder he struggled the tighter he was held back. Wrath grinned at him.

"Now let me see. Oh yes the book."

Wrath lumbered over to a crevice in the cave wall. He reached in and pulled out a book. Frank recognized it right away. Son also knew what it was. Wrath opened it and started to flip through the pages. He looked over at Frank then started to drag his claw down the page. He stopped when he got to Conductor's name. He went down further and found Son's name.

"Interesting choice in names. So shall I speak the names? What say you?" Wrath said as he laughed.

Twenty One

"Twenty odd years ago when Dragon Town was created, we were a town held captive. Wrath moved in and took over. He started applying his own will upon the people. Well we had no ideas what to do so we did nothing. We let him have his way and rule our town like a tyrant. Well suffice it to say, we were not happy. We tried everything to get Wrath to go away but nothing worked. That was until Conductor came to town.

"You have to understand that we were a fledgling town just getting off our feet. We had no law and we had no understanding on how to go about doing just that. We needed a lawman that would be judge, jury and executioner. And as I said before, Wrath ruled with an iron fist."

Thomas looked at her. "How does Conductor fit into this?"

"When Conductor came, he came with a proposal. He proposed running a railway out to Dragon Town from all the other little towns. He said it would give us a chance to see how other towns ran and ever get to see how to enforce the law. So we as a town said yes. Wrath was not to pleased but in his way of thinking, it gave him more people to rule over.

"People from all over started to come and in turn we started to go to their towns. We saw how law was enforced and we learned. We watched and began to understand. We took notes and some of us even  took classes and went through whatever police academies were around. We needed the law and if that meant that we had to move to do so then we did."

Jerry interrupted her. "Wait this is all fine and good but what does it have to do with Conductor?"

"Well he was the one that brought law to Dragon Town. With his urging, we learned what law was and how to use it to control our town. He spent a year here. He helped train men and help teach them how to be lawmen without the use of guns of any kind."

Jerry stood up and walked to the window. He opened it letting the air flood in. He took a deep breath and exhaled it softly. Looking down at the street he saw people. They were milling around aimlessly or at least it looked that way.

"So that would explain why Conductor was absent for that time."

Thomas nodded his head. "Everyone thought he was dead. Even his family thought so. Then one day he turns up out of the blue and goes on like nothing happened."

 "I don't know what to tell you. He was here for a year. He formed the town police and even forced Wrath back to his mountain." Pauline replied.

Hunter stood up and stretched. He walked over the window and like Jerry, got a breath of fresh air.  He turned around and looked at Jerry.

"Enough of this. Stories are all fine and good but we need to find Son. Are we going to sit here or are we going to help Frank?"

Thomas looked up at Hunter but it was to late. Thomas's son had already heard. So had his daughter. Son and Daughter looked at each other with questioning looks.

"Oh great." Thomas started. "You had to blurt that out. You couldn't refer to him as Father. This is just wonderful."

"Sorry it slipped out."

"Well you picked one hell of  a time to do so. How am I to explain it to them." Thomas said pointing to his children.

Hunter shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know what to say. He went and sat on the chair near the fireplace. He put his head in his hands and shook it slowly. Pauline looked at Thomas then at Hunter.

"Did I miss something?"

Jerry had stayed quiet all this time. He waited for Thomas to calm down before he spoke.

"It goes something like this. The Creator, the one who made us, didn't give us names. At least that is what we were told.Now it seems that he did have names for us but either forgot to name us or chose not to."

"Okay so how does this concern Conductor?" Pauline asked.

"Well it seems, " Thomas stared, "There was or rather is a book. Recorded in it are all the names of the people in Christmas Town. It also seems that Frank has known about it for some time now. He also knows some of our names.

"You don't mean The Book Of Names, do you?" Pauline asked.

"You have seen it?" Thomas replied.


"Well, where is it?" Hunter asked.

"Conductor took it to the cave. The cave of Wrath."

Hunter looked at Thomas then at Jerry. He did not look like a happy camper. Truth be told Hunter was getting very very angry.

"You don't mean the Dragon Wrath?"

Pauline nodded her head. "Yes that is the one. We have may dragons but only one Wrath."

"Just freaking great. We have to go up there." Hunter said sitting.

Thomas stood up and raised his hands. He knew that they had to go soon. They had to get back before the Darkness fell. He walked up to Pauline.

"Can the children stay here with you for the time being?"

Pauline nodded her head, His son spoke up.

"Dad we can help."

"NO! You are not coming."

"But dad."

"I said no. Now do as Pauline tells you." He looked at Hunter and Jerry. "Let's go."

Pauline watched as the children sat. The three men left them in the safety of her care and the safety of the hotel.

Twenty Two

"Stop!" Frank cried out.

Son looked at him. The look on Franks face was one of desperation. He looked to Wrath then back at his father.

"Tell me what he is talking about."

"Stay out of this boy. This is between the dragon and myself."

"Oh come now Franklin. Don't you think the child should know the truth?" Wrath interjected.

"But truth is a many faceted thing. Who's truth are you talking about? The real unvarnished truth or the truth that you want the boy to believe." Franklin replied.

Wrath looked at Frank. "Human, we of the Dragon, always speak the truth. A lie to escape our lips is like a maple tree sprouting oak leaves. It can not happen. We do not lie."

Son looked at his father. "Tell me the truth. What is my name?"

"I don't know. I never read anymore then I had to. I know only my own name, your mother's and a few more. I swear it."

Wrath brought his head down to Son's level. He breathed softly but the heat was still intense, so intense that Wrath had to back up. He grinned softly.

"He swears. He swears. Many a man have sworn that it was the truth just to find out that it was anything but. You Father spoke the truth when he said that truth is a many faceted thing but for it to be real truth, it must be uttered from a mouth that has never told a lie."

Wrath flipped through the pages until he came upon Conductor's family. "Ah yes, here it is."

"For the love of God Wrath. Don't do this." Frank screamed.

Wrath laughed. "For the love of God. God might love you but he can not help you now. You are doomed." Wrath pointed towards Son. "He on the other hand, is about to have the truth revealed to him. The same truth that you should have told him."

Frank struggled to free himself but to no avail. The hands held him firm. He struggled but they just grew tighter. Wrath laughed at him and grinned.

"Hahahahahahaha! You fight to stop the truth from coming out. You hypocrite. You want the truth out as long as you can be the one to tell it and be able to control how it is told. Now where were we. oh yes, Son's name. Let me see." Wrath ran his claw down."Here it is. Your name is Roberta. Funny name for a boy. Oh wait, I had my finger on it. That is your sister's name. Your name is Robert. Twins by chance Frank?"

Robert looked at Frank. "I have a sister?"

"You did. Look we can talk about this later. I would like to get out of here first."

Wrath looked at them. "Oh you are not going anywhere. You are staying right where you are. It has been a very long time since I have dined on human. It will be a nice treat."

Frank looked at Robert. They had to get out of here. Wrath plodded away going deeper into his cave. They watched him go. They could hear him humming as he went.  Try as they might they could not get the hands pried off. Hoping help was coming was useless.

Twenty Three

Thomas led the way. They had made their way half way up the mountain and were that much closer to the cave. Thomas looked up and saw birds circling in the distance. They were making a racket. Thomas motioned for them to follow.

"We need to move quicker."

Move quicker they did. They climbed faster sending rocks and pebbles sailing down in a tumble, dust rising up in a large plume. It didn't take long for the men to reach the mouth of the cave. At least they hoped it was the mouth of the cave. It was encrusted with diamonds and other precious jewels. Jerry pried one loose as big as his fist. He put it in his pocket.

"Might come in handy." He said under his breath.

As they made their way into the mouth of the cave, they could smell the putrid stench of death. Bones that had been picked clean were all around.

"Did anyone bring a flashlight?" Thomas asked.

Hunter opened a pocket on his trousers and pulled out a small  flashlight. Turning it on he passed it to Thomas then pulled out another for himself. Thomas shone it around. Bugs scattered into the darkness as did small animals. He shone it up to see bats hanging from the ceiling. He gulped and then looked at the cave floor. It was covered in a thin layer of a greenish-gray slime. In spots there were pools of fetid water that had things swimming in them. Thomas started forwards and then went down in a slide that had him end up in one of the water pools. Hunter reached down and helped him up. They continued on and then Jerry went down as well. He pulled himself up and continued on.Hunter moved forwards and started to gain distance on the other two. He then turned back and met up with Thomas.

"How far does this part of the cave go?" Jerry asked.

"Only for a few more feet."

Hunter motioned for them to follow him. He moved slowly as not to fall again. Thomas and Jerry followed just as slowly. Thomas shone the flashlight on the ground in front of him. Two or three times he almost went down and had it not been for Jerry, he would have. Hunter suddenly held up his hand in a fist. He looked at Thomas and Jerry and motioned them to be silent. He cocked his head and listened then moved backwards slowly towards Thomas.

"Do you hear that?"

Jerry listened. "Yes, it sounds like Frank."

They moved quietly to the opening of the second part of the cave. They could just see Frank and Son held fast to the wall. They stepped back and looked at each other.

"What now?" Thomas asked.

Jerry just shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know what to do. He was a pastor not a fighter. Thomas just stood there doing and saying nothing. Hunter knelt down and pulled a knife from his ankle. He stood back up and brandished it. The glint of the soft light shone off of it intensifying it.

"Alright, seeing as I am a hunter, I know how to creep up without being heard. I will go out and scout out the situation. You two wait here."

He moved out before the other two had a chance to argue. He slid down the slope without disturbing a pebble. Thomas and Jerry stood in awe. They had never seen the like. Hunter moved slowly and deliberately. He held the knife in his mouth like you saw in the old African movies. Using the boulders as screens, he advanced quickly. Hunter looked out around the larger rock but did not see the dragon. He picked up a rock and tossed it towards Frank. Frank looked at him and Hunter held his finger to his mouth motioning for Frank to stay quiet. He moved to his left behind another boulder. It was the largest boulder and hid him well. He looked behind him and saw nothing. He crept slowly making sure to watch his step. He was in earshot of Frank when he heard the dragon returning. It had something in it's claws. He looked up right into Thomas' eyes. He cursed under his breath.

Twenty Four

Pauline had done all she could for the children. They had played all the games that she knew and few that they knew. They were all lined on the bed asleep for an afternoon nap. Pauline left them be and went downstairs. She walked into the kitchen and looked at a large burly fellow.

"Go upstairs and stand guard at room six. Do not disturb the guests and no one goes in or out without my say so. Understand."

The man nodded his head and went soundlessly up the stairs. Pauline went to work making something for the children to eat. She glanced at the calendar.

"Damn, two days left. The darkness will be coming soon."

Pauline had heard about the darkness. Frank had told her all about it. It was the time of renewal for him and his people. A time when babies were born and children grew. Life went on as it usually did but it was always dark. She pushed the thought out of the way and went back to her soup.She poured some into five cups and then put some crackers on a plate. Sliding them onto a tray, she hurried upstairs. She gave a cup and some crackers to the guard then went in and sat while the children ate.

At the same time Pauline was looking at the calendar, Marrianne was looking at hers. A day and a half before the darkness comes. She rung her hands. They were not back yet. She was beside herself with worry. She picked up the phone but there was no dial tone. She wondered if Becca had her phone or not. She grabbed her jacket and headed out the door. She saw Becca coming up the drive.

"The phones are down."

"Yes I know, so is the electrical. The darkness is coming early this year." Becca said.

"NO! It can not come yet. They are not back. They will be lost till the following year. Oh god Becca, what are we to do?"

"There is nothing we can do. We must ready ourselves for the long year ahead. Do you have enough food?"

"Yes I guess I do if it is only going to be me."

"Marrianne, if they are not back in time, come stay with me for the year. I will be alone too."

Marrianne nodded he head. She had forgotten that Becca would be alone as well. Becca was a strong woman but she was not that strong. This would be the first time in many years that she would be alone. She had not been alone for any length of time since Thomas had to spend a month in Lamplit Village because of a pox outbreak.

"Alright Becca, I will get the things I need and then be over shortly."

Rebecca nodded her head and then went back to her house. She tidied up the spare room and then the rest of the house. It didn't take long. Rebecca Doctor kept a clean house. She was also not stupid. She knew that they would not be back in time and that they would spend a year in Dragon Town. Damn Frank.

"It can't be helped. Men and their damned macho crap." Rebecca said to herself.

Marrianne rang the bell and then let herself in. She walked into the kitchen to find it empty. She walked out to the stairs and called up them.

"Becca, are you here?"

"Yes Marri, I am up here straitening out the rooms. Be down on a minute."

Marrianne went to the living room and sat down. She looked around. The place was spotless. Becca did keep a very clean house.She was jealous and envious at the same time. Becca came in a few minutes later and sat down across from her.

"Welcome to my home Marrianne. I hope you enjoy it. Now there is only one rule you have to worry about and that is this. Neatness is key in this house. I keep an orderly house even though Thomas is a slob. I want you to try to keep it neat. I don't see that as being a problem though. You are a neat person anyways."

"I understand all about slobs. I have two remember. Is anyone else going to be joining us?"

"Yes. Hunters' Girlfriend is going to joining us. Being as pregnant as she is, she should not be left alone. I thought it was best she stay with me and she agreed. Pastor's Wife is staying in her own home. She has family coming to stay with her."

Marrianne nodded her head. She stood and followed Becca to her bedroom. She decided to get the rest of the items she had ready to come over later. Right now she settled for putting away her things. She looked out the window and let a crystal ball tear fall feeling it roll down her cheek. She missed Frank.

"Come home Frank." She said as she closed her eyes.

Twenty Five

"Well, well, well. Look what I found standing around my house. I always did like a late night snack."

Hunter could do nothing as he watched Wrath pull Thomas' head off. He averted his eyes and then stood tall and threw the knife as hard as he could. It flew through the air and slammed into the Dragon's right eye. Wrath reached for his eyes and dropped both Jerry and Thomas. Jerry hit the ground and rolled with the fall. Thomas' almost lifeless body hit the ground with a sickening thud. Hunter came running and grabbed a rock and threw it at Wrath. Wrath was too busy trying to pull the knife from his eye to notice the rocks being thrown at him. Hunter threw rock after rock pelting Wrath with them. The dragon was dripping blood as he pulled at the knife. Hunter reached for his leg and grabbed another knife. He drove it into the dragon's leg and pressed a button. The single blade split into three.

Wrath roared in pain. He tried to swat Hunter away but it was to no avail. Hunter was to fast and there was too much pain. Hunter grabbed at the knife and pressed the button again. The blade reset. He pulled the knife out and then just as quickly shove it back in pressing the button as he did. The blades swung apart cutting into Wrath. Wrath reared his head back and roared.

 Jerry meanwhile, ran down to Frank. The hands held him tight. Jerry grabbed a large rock and started smashing the hand. The right one let go and Frank grabbed the other hand and pried it off. He pulled himself away before the hands had a chance to grab him again. He looked at Son and helped him extricate himself. Son looked at Frank.

"My name is Robert."

"Yes." Frank started. "Ask me more later."

They ran as fast as they could. Wrath swatted after them but caught nothing but air. Hunter barely missed being clawed. He could feel the breeze on the back of his neck. He reached for the knife and pulled it out. Wrath stood high and then stepped. His left foot stayed where it was. He started to fall. He flailed his arms and tried to balance himself. He felt himself falling. He hit the ground and screamed in agony. Blood was pouring out as the company ran. Now was the chance to get out alive.

The mouth of the cave was a somewhat secure place to rest. With Wrath worried about his leg, he was not likely to try to attack them. They took the time to collect themselves and then consider what to do next.

"We need to get out of here Frank. It won't take long for Wrath to heal." Jerry said.

"I agree Jerry. We need to go. We also need to be careful."

They ran to the cave entrance and sent rocks and pebbles skittering down the mountain. Frank looked around and then up. He turned to the others and grinned.

"He will expect us to go down. I say we go up."

They looked up and found very little in the way of hand holds and foot holds. Robert looked around and saw a path leading away from the cave. He patted Franks' back.

"What is it son?" Frank asked.

"Why can't we go that way?"

"Because it just leads to the other side of the mountain." Frank replied.

"But dad, wouldn't more paths go off of it, either up or down?"

"I don't know. I guess we could try it."

They followed Robert as he started out to his left. He just started walking. He didn't look left or right. He kept his head held high and walked. He knew his name now and was proud. He suddenly stopped. Frank looked at him.

"What is it?"

"We have to go back!"

"Why?" Jerry asked.

Robert looked at the men. "Wrath still has the book!"

"Forget about the book, We only have a day or so to make it back to Christmas Town before the darkness comes. We will be stuck in Dragon Town for a year if we don't."

"I know dad but we still need the book." Robert replied as he started back.

"Robert, come back!" Frank called out.

Hunter looked at Frank. "I will go with him."

Frank nodded his head and watched the two of them go off. He continued to walking and the  stopped. He looked at Jerry with the most horrified look on his face.

"Frank, what is it?"

"The book not only has the names in it. It has other things in it too."

"What are you talking about?"

"It tells us about our home. Jerry. Look, haven't you ever wondered about the darkness? Where it comes from and what happens when it comes?"

"No I have just let it be the way it is Frank. Why is that so important?"

Frank looked at the ground and towards the way that Robert went. It wasn't that he didn't know what to say but more like he didn't know how to say it. He knew he had to say something. He just couldn't let it hang out there. He looked back in Jerry's' eyes.

"Jerry, we live in a Christmas Tree decoration. We only see the sun for two or three months a year because of that. Don't you understand?"

"Yes frank I understand, but what has that to do with Robert?"

"He doesn't know. Aside from you, myself and Thomas, no one knows. Not even our wives. I did leave some things out."

Frank started walking where Robert and Hunter went. Jerry stood and watched. He shook his head slowly. He didn't understand the urgency. He took off after Frank.

Robert and Hunter reached the cave entrance and crept in slowly. They could hear Wrath breathing, almost as if he was sleeping. Hunter crept closer and looked around the corner. He could see Wrath licking his footless leg. He groaned every time he licked it.

"Damned humans." Hunter could hear Wrath groan.

Hunter crept closer slowly using the large rocks and boulders as cover. He looked around one rock and saw Wrath still licking his leg. He looked a few minutes later and saw Wrath looking around. The dragon was do so slowly as if he could hear the faintest of sounds. He went back to licking his wound. Hunter grabbed a stone and tossed it over towards the deepest part of the cave. Wrath snapped his head up and towards the sound. He moved his body just enough to allow Hunter to get closer. Hunter reached a large boulder just as Wrath looked down.

Hunter looked around the left side of the rock to see Robert standing behind Wrath. He had Hunters' broken knife in his hand. Hunter grinned but tried to wave Robert away. He backed away and moved out of sight. Moving carefully he walked gingerly around to meet up with Robert.

"Give me the knife." Hunter whispered.

Robert passed him the knife. Hunter walked slowly watching out for the dragons' tail. He moved closer keeping one eye on the dragons' head and the other on the tail, He reached down to find his other knife and pulled it out slowly. He made it to the edge of the tail. The new knife was longer and made of a stronger metal. He raised up his hand and then looked up right into the dragons' eyes.

Twenty Six

Robert walked around the other side of the dragon and spied the book. While Hunter has the beast otherwise engaged, he walked towards the book but ti was of no use. Wrath had tight hold of it. He looked over at Hunter and made a stabbing motion. Hunter started stabbing. Wrath screamed.


Wrath let go of the book and Robert grabbed it. Wrath whipped his head around and let go of the fire he had kept silent. It flew from his moth and caught Robert full force. It sent Robert flying back so hard that he almost dropped the book. He held it hard to his chest as he felt his body slam into the rock wall. He heard bones snap and crackle. He tried not to scream. Frank and Jerry followed the sounds of the commotion. They got there in time to see Robert slam into the rock wall. Frank wanted to go to him but Jerry held him back.

"No Frank, not till Wrath is dead."

They rushed over to Hunter. He had his broken knife in Wrath's tail and had his longer blade ready to strike. Frank grabbed the handle and together they drove it deep into Wrath's soft underbelly. Wrath roared in anger and pain.

"Harder Hunter!" Frank screamed.

Together with both hands, they drove the blade into Wrath to the hilt. Hunter pressed a button and three more blades swung out slicing more of Wrath's' underbelly. The beast roared and then stopped fighting. He fell to his right side and moved no more. Frank looked back at Jerry.

"Sorry Frank." Hunter started. "He never survived the impact with the rock wall. The force crushed every bone in his body."

Frank rushed up to Robert and took him into his arms He whispered in his ear that he was sorry. He saw the book and cursed it.

"I wished I had never found this god forsaken thing. If I hadn't, none of this would have happened." He said as he tossed the book away.

Jerry walked over and picked up the book slipping it into his coat. He moved back to Frank and Hunter.

"Franklin there is nothing you can do for him. He died on impact. We have to go."

Frank looked at Jerry. He could see tears trying to form in his eyes. Frank nodded his head. He knew Robert was dead and nothing was going to make it otherwise. He took Jerrold's' hand and stood.

"Let's go."

They turned to leave but heard rocks shuffling behind them. Frank turned to see Wrath moving. Fire was erupting from the wound in his underbelly. It was so hot that it melted the blades of the knife and sealed the wound. The metal dripped out as it sealed. Wrath stood slowly. His foot was already growing back. He looked right at Frank.

"YOU DIE HUMAN! You will all die! I killed your pathetic excuse of an offspring and now it is your turn. I will crush you human."

Frank looked at Jerry and Hunter. "GO! Get the children and go!"

"What about you?" Hunter asked.

"Don't worry about me. You will see me again. There is more to Christmas Town then you know. NOW GO!" Frank replied.

Frank watched them leave reluctantly. He turned around to look into Wraths' eyes. He breathed on Frank and Frank could feel the heat. He stepped back and grinned.

"So Wrath we start again. We all know that we will do this dance again. It happens every year. I get the book and you kill my son. Of course then I have to kill you. I get out and in a year we start this dance all over again."

"Yes Human but this time things will be different. I will not be the one to die. Your offspring will stay dead."

"So then do it. Kill me. End this endless battle. But remember, you will still live. No one will come for you. You will be alone. Is that what you want?"

Wrath stood back on his haunches. He rubbed his chin slowly and smiled. He thought about how alone he would be and he liked it. He bent back down and grinned at Frank. He brought his claw down quickly slicing Frank to pieces. He watch Frank fall to the ground and laughed.

"Yes human."

Twenty Seven

Hunter and Jerry made it to the hotel. Jennifer and the other two kids were awake. They smiled when the men walked in. Thomas' daughter looked for her father. She stood up and looked out the door and even went as far as to look down the stairs. She came back to Jerry.

"Sorry dear, but he didn't make it. We don't have time to discuss it right now. We have very little time to make it back to Christmas Town. We have to go. Gather everything up."

They gathered their things up and rushed out the door. Pauline came running after them. She tried to get them to stop and listen but they wouldn't. She had to yell.

"You won't make it. You don't have enough time."

"We have to. We have no other choice." Jerry yelled back.

"You won't make it." She said quietly.

Pauline turned around to see Hunter standing firm. She looked to where he was looking. Suddenly out of nowhere the crashing sounds of Wrath's' destruction could be heard. He was screaming and tearing, knocking building down and flinging lesser dragons out of his way. People that were in his way were crushed in his wake. Hunter saw Jerry out of the corner of his eye held in awe at the Wrath's' power.

"Jerrold! Get the kids out of here. I will distract him. He has already killed Thomas, Frank and the boy. He is coming after me now. I am the one that did all the damage to him. Go and don't look back." He turned and looked at Pauline. "I need knives!"

Hunter waited for Pauline to return. He didn't look to see if Jerry did as he was told. He just knew that he did. Wrath was coming. He could smell the dragons' anger. He could smell the dragons' pain. He could smell his own. He knew he would not come out of this intact. He looked to see Pauline running back to him. She had a number of knives in her hands. She dropped them on a barrel and ran back inside. Hunter picked through them quickly and grinned.

"Eight knives. It will have to do. Hunter old boy, make every blade count cause you are not going to get a second chance." He said out loud.

Wrath moved closer. He could see Hunter waiting for him Wrath sent buildings flying. Hunter waited. Wrath moved closer and Hunter waited.

"I am coming!" Wrath screamed.

Hunter smiled. "Come get me dragon."

Hunter waited until the right moment and then threw the first knife. It sailed through the air and hit it's mark. The blade buried itself deep into Wrath's' chest. Wrath reared back on his haunches and screamed in agony. His mouth open wide. Hunter threw another knife. It sailed through the air and it to hit it's mark, burying itself deep into Wrath's' chest. Wrath screamed still back on his haunches. Hunter watched and waited.

Jerry and the kids ran. They ran for their very lives. They kept running not taking any breaks. They all knew that Hunter would not be joining them. Jerry said nothing. He just kept the kids running.

Wrath walked deliberately. He wanted blood to spill. He wanted human blood to spill. Hunter watched him and waited. He waited like a fated cow.

"Be ready to die human." Wrath screamed.

Hunter smiled and grabbed the longest knife he had and waited some more. Pauline came back out with three swords. Hunter looked at them and then tossed them down. He grinned.

"These will do for know."

Wrath kept coming. Hunter kept waiting. Wrath stopped and looked Hunter over. He cocked his head to the left and then to the right like a dog would do. He moved his head down in front of Hunter.

"You are no normal human." It was not a question but a statement of fact.

"As normal as the rest of them. I just know how to hunt."

Wrath stopped and raised his head. He opened his mouth making ready to spew fire. Hunter grinned and then in rapid succession, he threw three knives. Each one flew through the air and hit their mark. They each buried themselves deep into the roof of Wrath's' mouth. Wrath screamed in pain. Hunter looked at Pauline and then grabbed the biggest sword of the three she brought out. He ran as fast as he could and looked at Wrath. He knew he didn't have much time.

Twenty Eight

Jerry and the kids ran. They didn't stop nor did they look back. They passed through the plains of pots and the flatland. They stopped momentarily at the lighted falls. Jennifer knelt down and drank some of the water.

"Are we far enough away yet?" She asked after drinking.

"Yes I think so. I imagine we can take a few minutes to catch our breath." Jerry replied.

They all sat down and then one by one got some water. Jerry pulled out the book and starred at it. He wasn't too sure if he should keep it but he didn't want to just throw it away either.

"Is that the book?" Jennifer asked.

Jerry nodded his head.

"Does it have their names in it?" She asked as he pointed to Doctor's Son and Daughter.

"I think so. I have not looked yet. Shall I look?"

Jennifer nodded her head as Jerry opened the book. He looked through the names. They were all in order according to last name. He ran his finger down till he found the family Doctor. He grinned at Jennifer. She smiled and motioned for the other two come closer. The did so and sat down across from her.

"Do you want to know your names." She asked.

They both nodded their heads. Jerry looked at them.

"Alright then, here we go. Son, your name is Tyler Doctor. Daughter your name is Emilee Doctor."

Tyler nodded his head and then smiled at his sister. She smiled wider. She turned back to Jerry and looked at him.

"What is our mother's name?"

Jerry looked down at the list. "Her name is Rebecca Doctor. Your father's name is Thomas Doctor."

"Is our daddy coming back?" Emilee asked.

"No I am afraid not dear." Jerry replied.

"Has he gone to be with the Creator?" Tyler asked.

Jerry nodded his head. "Yes. He is with the Creator. You will see him again. It is a promise."

Jennifer slipped over and put her hand on Emilees' shoulder and let her cry a little. She listened to her sob. She soothed her softly.

"We need to get going. We don't have much time. The darkness is coming."

"Yes, time to go. Dry your eyes and cry for your daddy later." Jerry said.

The four of them started on their way. They all knew that they needed to get back. Jerry looked at each of them and prayed a silent prayer.

Twenty Nine

Wrath wailed in pain. He limped around waiting for his foot to come back. The knives were buried deep in the roof of his mouth. Try as he might he could not get them out. He took no notice of what Hunter was doing. Hunter stood at Wraths' back feet. One was forming growing as Hunter looked at it. He ignored it and looked at the other one. He raised the sword and swung it as hard as he could. The blade sliced through the scales and cut deep into the flesh. He pulled it out and swung again. The blade cut deeper. He felt the blade hit bone.

Wrath roared in pain and swung down at Hunter. Hunter jumped out of the way and waited for Wrath to go back to the blades in his mouth. Hunter pulled out the blade and swung again. The blade went deeper into the bone cutting through it. He pulled the blade out and moved slightly around and swung the blade yet again. This time it cut in and severed the dragon's foot from the leg.

Wrath roared in agony yet again and tried to turn around. As he did so, he lost his footing and started to fall. He used his tail to steady himself, using it like a third leg. Hunter ran behind and started to swing at the tail. With each swing he drove the blade deeper. Wrath scream and flailed his arms around. One set of claws flailed ripping at Hunters' shirt. Hunter moved back and then forwards again. He continued to attack the tail. With a final swing, the blade was through and the tail fell away.

Pauline watched from a distance. She watched in horror at the scene that was unveiling. She watched as Wrath fell to the ground. Wrath was flailing around like a fish out of water. Hunter stood over him.

"FINISH IT!" Wrath screamed. "But you will never get your friends back. They are dead. That brat and his father are dead."

"Tell me dragon, before I take your life, will everything return as it once was? Will those who died return?"

Wrath laughed. "Only those who were innocent. Only those who gave their lives without reason. As for you and I, we are bound together now.  We will forever be gone and never to return. That brat and his father, as i said before, are done. They shall never return either. NOW FINISH IT!"

Hunter drew the sword high above his head and grinned. The dragon looked back and even though he knew what was going to happen and could not stop it, let a tear escape his eye. Hunter did not flinch. He brought the sword down again and again. He kept slashing at the neck. Fire erupted from the gash, cauterizing the wound. Hunter paid it no mind and kept slashing. The head rolled away from the body


Hunter stepped back and stared at the scene. Bits of dragon were everywhere. He looked to his right and stared in a window. He was covered in blood and bits of dragon. He dropped the sword and the clang echoed through the street. He turned towards Pauline and then slowly fell to the ground. Pauline rushed over to him.

"What is it?"

"Nothing you can do about it." Hunter replied as he ripped open his shirt.

Pauline looked at his chest. Claw marks were deep and gaping. Blood spilled. She looked at his face. He was smiling.

"Why are you smiling, you are going to die?"

Hunter looked at her and then mouthed the word 'because' then sank into her arms. He breathed his last and then died. Pauline felt a tear slide down her cheek.


Jerry and the kids reached Christmas Town with very few seconds to spare. They climbed through the hatch and closed it. They each ran to their homes. Jennifer stayed with Jerry and Marsha.

One Year Later

"Time to sleep." Frank said.

"Yes father." Robert replied.

Robert closed his eyes and sleep came quickly. Frank walked down the hall and looked in on Roberta. She slept quietly as well. He moved down and look in on the baby. Tommy slept in his mother's arms. Frank smiled and then headed down stairs.


Jerry Pastor sat in his study. He was preparing his sermon for Sunday. He lifted his head when he heard Marsha come in. She smiled at him and then sat down.

"Jerry, explain something to me."

"If I can."

"If Frank, Robert and Thomas died out there, why are they alive now and if Hunter died out there as well, he is not alive again? I don't understand. "

"I don't know. That is something you will have to ask Frank. He did say there were things about Christmas Town that no one knew about. Some sort of Magic. Anything else."

"Yes." She smiled. " I just got off the phone with the doctor."

"Oh and how is Thomas?"

"He is fine. He told me to call you daddy."

Jerry looked at her. She nodded her head. He stood up and smiled then kissed her forehead.

"Does Julia know?"

"No I have not told our bratty daughter yet."

"Good, let's tell her together."


Thomas sat in his office. He poured over reports and x-rays. He felt different for some reason bit couldn't put his finger on it. Tyler came rushing in.

"Dad you have to come see this."

Thomas got up from his desk and followed Tyler outside. He looked to where the others were gathered. He saw a dragon and a man fighting. He looked closer and tilted his head. Frank and Robert looked at him.

"What is it Thomas?" Frank asked.

"Doesn't that look like Hunter?"

Frank had his binoculars and took a closer look. He grinned softly and then slapped Thomas on the back.

"Yes Thomas, it does."

The End.

copyright 2019 William James Ley!
